Fermilab scientist Matt Toups elected new co-spokesperson of MicroBooNE
Toups now co-leads the precision neutrino experiment through its analysis phase, along with Justin Evans of the University of Manchester.
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Toups now co-leads the precision neutrino experiment through its analysis phase, along with Justin Evans of the University of Manchester.
Fermilab’s Sandra Nelson talks of her love of math, tennis tournaments and jazz music.
Martel Walls shares how he loves working with his hands and learning on the job.
An engineer who works on Fermilab’s PIP-II project, Tiffany Price talks fluid systems and the ASPIRE Fellowship, as well as her West Highland Terrier.
National Medal of Science Recipient Sylvester James “Jim” Gates, Jr. has published multiple papers on theoretical physics with undergraduate and high school students.
In accepting the invitation, the distinguished scientist and head of the lab’s Theory Division will join the ranks of notable inductees, such as Nobel laureates Bernardo Alberto Houssay, Luis Federico Leloir, César Milstein and former Fermilab Director Leon Lederman.
Whether he is on the side of a mountain or working at the Fermilab Quantum Institute, Cristián Peña likes to explore the unknown and tackle new challenges. Although he spends most of his time working on quantum communication systems for FQI, Peña dedicates time to work on the CMS experiment. His work between the two experiments, while different in practice, are conceptually similar.
Olivier Napoly has worked internationally on a variety of accelerator and collider projects. At Fermilab, he works as a guest scientist, helping to build the PIP-II particle accelerator. As an accelerator physicist, Napoly focuses on every aspect of PIP-II’s construction from design to assembly.
A group of U.S. national laboratories, including Fermilab; publishers; journals and other organizations, is making it easier for researchers to update their names on past publications.
The National Contract Management Association has awarded L.L. “Po” Collins, Fermilab’s director of special projects and former acquisition officer, its Outstanding Fellow Award. She received the award for over 30 years of contributions, achievements and ethics in her field.