
1 - 10 of 16 results

Prediction for magnetic moment of the muon informs a test of the standard model of particle physics

    From Nature, May 5, 2021: The established theory of the standard model, and has passed a vast number of experimental tests with flying colors. But one such test — the determination of the magnetic moment of an elementary particle known as the muon — has resulted in a long-standing discrepancy between theory and experiment.

    HL-LHC Accelerator Upgrade Project receives approval to move full-speed-ahead from Department of Energy

    The U.S. Department of Energy has given the U.S. High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider Accelerator Upgrade Project approval to move full-speed-ahead in building and delivering components for the HL-LHC, specifically, cutting-edge magnets and accelerator cavities that will enable more rapid-fire collisions at the collider. The collider upgrades will allow physicists to study particles such as the Higgs boson in greater detail and reveal rare new physics phenomena. The U.S. collaborators on the project may now move into production mode.

    New particle accelerator in New York to probe protons and neutrons

      From WBUR’s Here & Now, Feb. 12, 2020: The United States will soon have its first new particle collider in decades. Earlier this year, the Department of Energy announced that Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, New York, will be home to the Electron-Ion Collider, which will investigate what’s inside two subatomic particles: protons and neutrons. DOE Undersecretary for Science Paul Dabbar mentions the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment.

      Denisov leads high-energy physics at Brookhaven

        From Brookhaven National Laboratory, Oct. 11, 2019: Dmitri Denisov, a leading physicist and spokesperson of the DZero experiment, has been named deputy associate lab director for high-energy physics at Brookhaven National Laboratory. In this role, Denisov is responsible for Brookhaven’s strategic planning in high-energy physics and oversees a wide range of particle physics projects at the lab.

        High precision for studying the building blocks of the universe

          From Exascale Computing Project, May 28, 2019: Fermilab scientist Andreas Kronfeld is featured in this piece on the Excascale Computing Project, quantum chromodynamics and lattice QCD. Kronfeld, the principal investigator of ECP’s LatticeQCD project, explains how exascale computing will be essential to extending the work of precision calculations in particle physics to nuclear physics. The calculations are central for interpreting all experiments in particle physics and nuclear physics.

          Retired equipment lives on in new physics experiments

          Physicists often find thrifty, ingenious ways to reuse equipment and resources. What do you do about an 800-ton magnet originally used to discover new particles? Send it off on a months-long journey via truck, train and ship halfway across the world to detect oscillating particles called neutrinos, of course. It’s all part of the vast recycling network of the physics community.

          Google & CERN partnering on future Large Hadron Collider storage needs, quantum computing

            From 9 to 5 Google, Nov. 15, 2018: The LHC’s massive physics experiments will require computing capacity that is an estimated 50-100 times higher than today. Google finds the challenge exciting and has already been working with Fermilab and Brookhaven National Laboratory to store and analyze data from the LHC using the Google Computer Engine.